Pickleball Rules & Scoring
Basic Rules
Serving Rules
- Server must keep one foot behind the baseline
- Serve must be made underhand
- Serve must be diagonal
- Only one serve attempt is allowed
- The serve cannot land in the "kitchen" (non-volley zone)
Scoring System
- Games are played to 11 points
- Must win by 2 points
- Points can only be scored by the serving team
- Each side gets two serves (except for the first serve of the game)
Common Faults
Service Faults
- Serving overhand
- Foot over the baseline
- Ball landing in non-volley zone
- Ball landing out of bounds
Gameplay Faults
- Volleying from non-volley zone
- Not letting the ball bounce once per side after serve
- Hitting the ball out of bounds
- Touching the net